Intelligent, honest and sincere

Thanks for keeping us alert and entertained through your cartoons, Satish.
I agreed with his viewpoint 9 out of 10 times. I always found his work intelligent, honest and sincere. I never saw any element of malice or prejudice in his work. That, to my mind, is his biggest asset.
After R K Laxman exited, We were looking for someone who could take up his mantle. I don’t mean to draw any comparison, but Sandeep Adhwaryu and Satish hold the promise of reaching that gold standard some day.
There certainly is scope to improve in his art work. his illustrations can be sharper, clearer with better color scheme.
There’s also the scope to improve in language part – both English as well as Hindi.
As I said earlier, Satish, you have it in you to reach the top. Go right ahead as fearlessly as you can, don’t let fatigue set in at any point in time and it’s just a matter of time before you lead your fellow cartoonists.
Best wishes, always.
Wonderful timely and expressive cartoons

Satish and his witty cartoons

Owns Exemplary People Pvt. Ltd
Thanks for the smiles, Satish.
Over the years, he has grown and his cartooning skills also have improved and he is one of the best cartoonists I have seen in current Cartoon-Journalism.
As he has put in one of the posts, as a cartoon-Journalist, one should give out both sides, loop-holes of an event/happening. And I find he is one such cartoonist. Another thing which no one beats him in his profession is “Cricket-Humor”. Most of the times, it brings instant smile.
Is anything missing from Satish’s cartoons? Rarely I feel that there is a need cartoon in other angle also. I don’t know whether I can ask more.
Thanks for the smiles that he has brought on my face.
Cartoons make you deliberate

Satish’s cartoons make you deliberate and see the irony in any issue political or social. However my testimonial is for a personal piece I wrote a decade ago. It was not an easy piece or me to write as it spoke about a family tragedy. Before it went to print I was told there would be a cartoon accompanying the piece. I had my reservations on how a sensitive subject, that echoes with pain would be handled. But Satish’s illustration reflected the writing. I am grateful for the consideration he put in the work.
Sharon Fernandes is a journalist and has worked with The Indian Express, The Hindustan Times and The Times of India.
So creative and God-gifted
Satish Acharya’s sense of timing while drawing cartoons is almost perfect. He is so creative and God-gifted that he can fish for humour from even ordinary situations and happenings. Overall, he is an awesome entertainer. And we are proud that he was associated with our site,
Punishes everyone without fear
Satish is very brave cartoonist. His knowledge about the subject is awesome. Satish punishes everyone without fear. His fan following is very huge including me. Best of luck.
A brilliant cartoonist
One of the most creatively exciting projects of my life has been collaborating with Satish on the weekly Kopykatman comic-strips. We did it for four years, every Sunday, having so much fun blending current events with the misadventures of a superhero without superpowers! So often during that period I admired Satish’s awesome talent as he would elevate my frequently average, and sometimes mediocre, writing to such enviable levels with his superb artistry! It’s been an honour and a privilege to have known him as not just a brilliant cartoonist but also as a dear friend and a genuinely nice human being!
India’s best young talent
Satish is one of India’s best young talents. His impish sense of humour, coupled with an completely original style, uninfluenced by the past, is a delight. He needs wider exposure, and the website would be an ideal way for this. I always look forward to seeing his work.
A talented cartoonist of India.
Satish Acharya is a talented cartoonist of India. He has created a style of own and is very candid enough in dealing with delicate subjects. It would have been much better, had he been working as a staff cartoonist in a leading newspaper. Anyway I immencely enjoy his cartoons regularly. IIC wishes him all the success.
Satish’s quirky look at the world
Satish Acharya’s quirky look at the world around him and sharp eye for detail make a punchy cocktail when it comes to his art. With steady, sure lines and an unerring knack for finding the humourous at many times in the humdrum, Acharya lifts cartooning to what it should be – a trenchant take on the many twists and turns in everyday life.
Satish’s speed and consistency.
Few cartoonists anywhere can match Satish’s speed and consistency. Had he been in professional cricket, as he had planned at one point in his life, I suspect he would have become a quick-scoring batsman or a furiously fast bowler! Cricket’s loss in journalism’s gain. In his cartoons, Satish has created a style that is disctinctive and inimitable. He offers robust common sense and irreverent humour as antidotes to the harsh realities of life in India.
His eagle eyes and nimble fingers
Free will is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure. That was the great American cartoonist, the creator of the Dilbert strip, Scott Adams. From his very own Kundapura, Satish is pursuing what he knows is his path of greatest pleasure – drawing cartoons as a free agent, while living in the town and the house he grew up in. And what luminous cartoons they are! Satish, every day, unfailingly, distils the essence of the myriad dramas that break out in this land of ours – ‘a land of million mutinies’ – and laces it with analysis and wit using incisive brush strokes. Politics, business, sports and entertainment, there is very little that escapes his eagle eyes and nimble fingers. Does it at all matter then that he doesn’t have a set-top box for his TV yet?
Rajesh Kumar
Model cartoonist of this generation
The speed with which Satish gets to the core of the news and comes up with an idea and execute it is amazing! He is a model cartoonist of this generation. To survive as a freelancing cartoonist is not a joke, he has proved it is possible. My best wishes!